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Videos about the Hood Foundation
About The Hood Foundation 75th Anniversary
The Hood Foundation 75th Anniversary Keynote Speaker
Webinars for Applicants, Awardees and Alumni
Hood Alumni Network Resources
What it Means to Receive a Hood Grant
Acquisition of Preliminary Data
"It allowed me to collect preliminary data needed for NIH grant applications. Given the current situation of NIH funding, large amounts of data are necessary in order to be competitive in R01 grant applications. So the Hood Foundation Award is tremendously helpful for providing initial funding for junior faculty."
Validation of Research Program
"This Award helped most in that it allowed me to hire an additional postdoctoral fellow as I was starting my laboratory. It boosted the productivity of the lab at a time when generally a laboratory is ramping up and less productive. In this way, I feel that I got a head start and was able to demonstrate considerable productivity as I applied for governmental funding."
Protected Time
"Provided protected time for me at a critically important time in my research career. It helped me to launch an independent research program, providing time to write an R01 application (that was ultimately funded)."
Crucial Resources
"The funding allowed me to hire a research assistant which was invaluable to my research progress and my success in securing a K08 grant which has since led to an R01. Thanks very much!"
Pursuit of Novel Research
"Allowed me the resources – materials and a postdoc – to take risks and get enough preliminary data to get my first R01. Now have five federally funded grants, might not have been possible without the Hood grant in the critical beginning time period."
Critical “Bridge” or Start-Up Funding
"It provided the early funding that a new faculty person needs – particularly for hiring post-docs and technicians to help ease the burden of labor-intensive projects. Not only did it help me to obtain data for federal grants but, with being able to hire other people in the lab to do the labor, it gave me time to actually write the grants and analyze the data."
Career Path Development
"The Hood Foundation grant provided me a wonderful opportunity to expand research in the area of rehabilitation robotics to children with cerebral palsy – and allowed me to publish the first peer reviewed journal article in this area of study (American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation). It also provided me with the opportunity to independently manage my own grant, and allowed me to learn important administrative skills in the process."
Self Confidence and Independence
"It boosted my confidence that the area of my research was important to child health and that its implications would be beneficial to children and other individuals affected by the diseases under study."